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Home Blog Why Adults Do Not Want Loose Teeth

Why Adults Do Not Want Loose Teeth

Posted on 12/21/2020 by Betsy Hoos
Why Adults Do Not Want Loose TeethOnce you lose your last baby tooth as a child, you probably do not expect to ever feel the sensation of a tooth coming loose again. If one of your permanent teeth becomes loose as an adult, it can be a sign of a serious problem that you should come see us about immediately.

What Causes an Adult Tooth to Come Loose?

A permanent tooth can dislodge from its roots as the result of an injury like a fall, blow to the face, or sports-related injury. Teeth grinding can also lead to loose teeth over time. However, loose teeth can also be a sign of serious problems like osteoporosis and advanced gum disease. Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens your bones, and if it affects your jawbone, this can loosen your teeth. Gum disease is caused by poor oral hygiene, and if left untreated, it can lead to further tooth loss and jawbone deterioration.

How to Treat Loose Teeth in Adults

The first step you should take when one of your permanent teeth feels loose is to set up an appointment with us so we can determine if you have a serious problem like gum disease. If you do have gum disease, we can perform a scaling and root planing procedure to remove infectious buildup from under your gums and teeth. We might also prescribe antibiotics. Severe gum disease may require surgery such as bone grafting if the infection has weakened your jawbone enough to loosen teeth, or flap surgery, where we make incisions in your gums, remove the infection, and then reattach your gum tissue.

Tooth splinting is an option if your loose tooth has not fully detached from your gums and can therefore be salvaged. In this procedure, we strengthen and support the loose tooth by bonding it to a neighboring tooth with a piece of metal. Finally, if your loose tooth is the result of tooth grinding, we would fit you with a mouthguard to prevent further issues. Contact our office right away if one of your permanent teeth feels loose.

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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