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Dental Technology

We love technology. Where would we be if we didn’t? We wouldn’t have a cell phone or streaming services. No computers either. We use technology constantly! In fact, you’re looking at this on a technological device. With that in mind, how has dental technology improved our lives? Let Brush & Floss Dental Center give you some information about the latest dental technology.

3D Cone Beam

Our doctors use a vital piece of technology called a cone beam 3D CT scanner. The scanner takes a series of high-resolution x-ray images in a 360 degree circle around your head. These images are immediately computer-processed into detailed 3D 360 degree views of your jawbone, teeth and related anatomy.

These high-tech 3D images allow our doctors to accurately diagnose and precisely plan effective treatments that are safe, minimally invasive and comfortable. In this way we are able to give you the highest quality care possible.

Dr. Jeffrey C. Hoos uses x-guide dental technology for precision diagnostics and treatment planning.

X-Guide: Dynamic 3D Navigation for Dental Implants

At Brush & Floss Dental Center, we want all of our patients to have the best experience possible. For this reason, we adopt proven dental technology to simplify complex procedures and processes - giving our patients a better experience and providing a better result. The X-Guide dynamic 3D navigation system gives us a real advantage when we are performing dental implant placement surgery, allowing us to place implants with high accuracy and stellar success rates.

The X-Guide works in unison with cone beam 3D imagery to give us a live video overlay not only of your jaw, bone, and teeth but our drilling tools in relation to them. The X-Guide shows us the exact angle, depth, and placement of every action we take in your mouth in real time. This gives us the ability to precisely control the placement of every implant procedure we perform.
Read more about X-Guide.

Itero Digital Scanner

This revolutionary piece of dental equipment changed the landscape for dentists and orthodontists, allowing them to work more effectively and efficiently by taking advantage of enhanced digital scanning.

The iTero Digital Scanner scans the mouths of patients, capturing images to create three-dimensional dental images in minutes. The scans they produce are also more detailed than the traditional two-dimensional images they replace. They help us create accurate physical dental models for restorative work, including crowns, porcelain veneers, and implants.

digital xrays at Brush & Floss Dental Center in Stratford, CT

Vatech Digital Panoramic X-ray

With the Vatech panoramic x-ray machine, we can capture digital images of your entire mouth. These digital x-rays use lower doses of radiation than conventional x-rays, while providing higher quality images. The Vatech allows our doctors to review the digital images on a computer screen, where they can then plan all the necessary procedures with greater ease and accuracy.

ALARA – “As Low As Reasonably Achievable” – refers to the amount of radiation a patient is exposed to. Upgraded guidelines for radiation protection in dentistry were issued in December 2003 and included a strong reaffirmation for adherence to the ALARA principle. We follow this principle when giving our patients x-rays.

Soft Tissue Laser

One of the best products out on the dental market today is a soft tissue laser. Sometimes when you have gum disease, we have to cut or scrape along your gumline to save your gums. We can also cut away some of your gum tissue to reduce the size of your gums. In the past, we used to have to cut or scrape your gums with a scalpel. However, lasers, because they aren’t cutting tools, mean we can remove plaque or tartar from below your gumline, trim your gum tissue, or even treat your cold sores without a problem. Lasers mean that we don’t have to use stitches or sutures, and there is far less bleeding.

We use the SIROlaser Advance and the Hoya Con Bio DeLight lasers to treat gum disease, or in cosmetic gum recontouring procedures to remove excess gum tissue. These lasers can be used for more complex dental implant surgeries as well.

Laser Treatment

The revolutionary new technology of dental lasers offer patients more comfortable and gentle alternatives to the dental drill and procedures that require cutting and suturing. We use the SIROlaser Advance and the Hoya Con Bio DeLight lasers to treat gum disease, or in cosmetic gum recontouring procedures to remove excess gum tissue. These lasers can be used for more complex dental implant surgeries as well. Dental lasers make treatments faster, more effective, speeds up healing times, and lessens the degree of post-operative discomfort.

Claris Intraoral Camera

Our doctors and hygienists will often use our Claris intraoral camera to show patients an inside view of their mouth. This device has a tiny camera on the tip of the hand piece that sends a live feed to a computer monitor screen, and from there the patient can view the inside of their mouth like never before. Intraoral cameras are especially useful for educating the patient about treatments and for visual oral exams.

Our doctors use 3D imaging technology for precision diagnostics and treatment planning.

3D Cone Beam

Our doctors use a vital piece of technology called a cone beam 3D CT scanner. The scanner takes a series of high-resolution x-ray images in a 360 degree circle around your head. These images are immediately computer-processed into detailed 3D 360 degree views of your jawbone, teeth and related anatomy.

These high-tech 3D images allow our doctors to accurately diagnose and precisely plan effective treatments that are safe, minimally invasive and comfortable. In this way we are able to give you the highest quality care possible.

If you have questions about our great dental technology, why not give Brush & Floss Dental Center a call at (203) 683-5253?

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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