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Space Maintainers

Posted on 6/5/2023 by Evan
Space MaintainersWhen a primary tooth is lost prematurely, it can result in dental problems down the road. The other teeth may shift to fill the gap, causing the permanent teeth to appear crooked and crowded. Using space maintainers is the solution to avoid these issues.

What Exactly Are Space Maintainers?

These devices are custom-fitted to the child's mouth and cover the missing tooth area while retaining the surrounding primary teeth for proper permanent alignment. There are a variety of space maintainers available, including those constructed of plastic or metal and equipped with a band or a temporary crown connected to one side of the open area.

Once the permanent tooth is ready to erupt, the dentist will remove the appliance. Children who use space maintainers may need them for several years; thus, adequate care is essential.

Maintenance of Space Maintainers

Children should avoid eating sticky candy, chewing gum, and manipulating the space maintainers with their fingers or tongue to ensure the appliance's effectiveness. Oral hygiene is also essential, which may be achieved by teaching youngsters to brush and floss their teeth regularly to keep the appliance clean. Regular dental check-ups are also required twice a year to monitor the child's tooth development and the status of the space maintainer.

Get in Touch with Us

If the space maintainer becomes loose, it is critical to get early dental assistance to guarantee proper operation and to avoid any potential damage to developing teeth. Children will have healthy and correctly aligned teeth if the space maintainer is appropriately cared for.

It is critical to consult with the child's dentist about the optimum form of space maintainer for their unique needs. You can reach us by phone, email, or via our website form to schedule an appointment if you have any queries or concerns about your child's dental condition.

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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