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Are X Rays Really Necessary Every Year?

Posted on 7/4/2022 by Evan
Are X Rays Really Necessary Every Year?Dental X-ray has become important these days as it helps people update their imaging after a certain period. With the X-ray, it is easy to determine if your teeth are growing properly or they have some misalignment.

This allows you to visit a dentist as early as possible before the problem becomes more pronounced. Now that the importance of X-rays is well known among many individuals, the only thing that remains to be addressed is how often one should go for dental X-rays.

How Frequent Should You Take Dental X-Rays?

Dentists always encourage people to take X-rays to spot areas with decay and cavities quickly. It also helps them know how your teeth are positioned before performing any procedure on you. In most cases, people take X-rays yearly, but some situations can force you to take dental X-rays more frequently. For example, if your dentist wants to understand a specific issue or get some history about your teeth and gum problems.

In other cases, the frequency of taking X-rays varies between different individuals. While some may take three years, others may go after every six months. This usually depends on the severity of the dental condition a person may be experiencing.

How is an X-ray Procedure Performed?

A Dental X-ray procedure is always performed by a plastic apparatus, which you will be asked to bite. But first, your dentist will cover your body with a lead apron to protect you from radiation. It will only take a few minutes for your dentist to complete taking the necessary photos for your dental formula. They will use the picture to determine your cavities and misalignment.

If you want to understand more about your teeth, you can visit our clinic to get a dental X-Ray. We will also advise you on how long you should take before getting your next X-ray depending on your dental condition.

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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