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Home Blog What Are The Causes Of Tooth Decay In Babies?

What Are The Causes Of Tooth Decay In Babies?

Posted on 1/23/2023 by Evan
What Are The Causes Of Tooth Decay In Babies?While a baby's teeth are temporary, they are susceptible to cavities. Tooth decay, also known as baby bottle tooth decay, mainly occurs due to prolonged exposure of the baby's teeth to sugary items. It can also result from the baby being put to bed with a bottle or a pacifier. If you do not give your baby the right amount of fluoride, they may also be at risk of tooth decay. The good thing is that baby bottle tooth decay is preventable.

How Can You Prevent Tooth Decay In Children?

The baby's teeth are vital. They hold a place for the adult teeth. When a baby loses their teeth too early, issues might occur to the adult teeth. For instance, there may be insufficient room for adult teeth, causing overcrowding.

Due to this, you need to focus on preventing tooth decay. You can achieve this by giving your child healthy meals and encouraging them to drink from a cup instead of a bottle. Also, brush the baby's teeth gently after they come out. Remember to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste.

Another way to prevent tooth decay is by not sharing saliva with the baby. In some cases, tooth decay in children occurs when bacteria are passed from the caregiver to the infant through saliva. In this case, it is best to avoid licking the baby's food or drinks.

How Is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay Treated?

Baby bottle tooth decay can cause serious oral issues if left untreated. It can result in chronic pain, dental infections, chewing difficulty, and tooth loss. In this case, seeking professional care when the decay is in its beginning stage is vital. During the early stages, it can be easy to reverse tooth decay with fluoride treatments. This helps to remineralize the teeth.

However, for advanced cases, restorative dental care may be the only solution. Depending on the child's oral needs, the pediatric dentist may recommend options such as fillings, dental crowns, pediatric partials, and space maintainers. Talk to our dentists to learn more about tooth decay in children.

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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