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Home Blog One-Visit Crown Concept

One-Visit Crown Concept

Posted on 10/11/2021 by Evan
One-Visit Crown ConceptOne visit crown is a new technology that enables dentists to prepare and place them for our patients without necessarily booking appointments. In definition, a One-Visit crown is an innovative custom-made crown and onlay laboratory service that has enabled dentists to prepare and pace tooth-colored and full coverage restorations in one appointment. Our dentist doesn't place a temporary crown when having an OVC because OVC is prepared and fitted to your tooth on the same day of the appointment.

Prescription of One-Visit Crown

If you need a cap or a crown to fix a broken tooth or teeth, welcome to our qualified dentist, who will carry out an OVC and the entire process of diagnosis of the crown, which will be completed in just one visit. During your appointment, our experienced dentists will take X-rays to evaluate the origins of the injured teeth and the surrounding bone. If the extent of the decay reaches the root canal, then a root canal treatment will be performed first.

Procedure of One-Visit Crown

The procedure for OVS is quite simple, and it will take just a few hours. You don't have to be worried about anything. When you come to visit us, our dentist will numb the tooth and the surrounding gum tissue. The next thing is that the tooth will be filed down to create room for the new crown. Do not be concerned if your teeth is too little owing to damage or rotting; our dentists will build up the teeth with restorative material to aid the crown. Lastly, an impression will be made using a digital scanner and sent to the lab to construct the crown, which will take less than an hour. When the crown is ready, our dentist will implant it to the gap.

Importance of One-Visit Crown

One-Visit Crown is important for so many reasons; we have highlighted some of the reasons why OVC becomes essential. The first reason why OVC may be necessary is when the teeth have worn out excessively. Tooth are often worn down as a result of tooth grinding. The only solution is to replace worn-out teeth with crowns. Remember that it is not simple to break the pattern of chewing.

Another reason is when the teeth or tooth break when the tooth has compromised, a filing is not enough to strengthen it, and in this case, a crown is prescribed to protect the damaged tooth. In some cases, our dentists may recommend our patients to get a root canal, and when this happens, a crown is put afterwards to strengthen the tooth and restore its function after the procedure.

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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