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Is Sedation Safe?
Dentist Stratford, CT

Posted on 5/9/2022 by Evan
Image of a person being sedated inside a dental office, at Brush & Floss Dental Center in Stratford, CT.Are you suffering from dental anxiety? Many people are anxious when it comes to dental visits. The good thing is that there is a solution for that. Sedation dentistry involves administering medication to help you relax and not feel pain during a dental procedure.

Types of Sedation

Inhaled sedation. This is administered through a mask that is placed on your nose. You inhale nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen. This type is used for simple and short procedures as it wears off fast.

Oral sedation. This is taken through the mouth in form of a pill. This is taken a while before the dental appointment. IV moderate sedation. You are injected the sedative through your vein. This type works fast.

Deep sedation medication makes you sleep soundly. With General anesthesia, you wake up after the anesthesia wears off in your body.

Levels of Sedation

Minimal sedation is where you are aware of what is happening, but you are relaxed. Whereas moderate, you are conscious but cannot remember a lot of what is happening. You might also have a slurred speech.

With deep sedation, you are almost unconscious but can still be woken up but with general anesthesia, you are fully unconscious.

What to Consider Before Sedation

The dentist will thoroughly check your medical history and ask you questions regarding that. The most suitable level of sedation will be given based on that. You should let the dentist know you are pregnant so that they choose the best level of sedation for you. The type of medication you are taking can affect the type of sedation you will receive. It is crucial to let the dentist know if you are under medication.

The type of dental procedure and how long it lasts is a factor that is considered when choosing the type of sedation. For more information, call us or schedule an appointment at (203) 683-5253.

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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