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Halitosis. How to Avoid

Posted on 5/23/2022 by Evan
Halitosis. How to AvoidHave you ever sat next to someone with a mouth odor? Bad breath can be a total turn off to people around you. A sign of halitosis is bad breath which is beyond the normal bad breath you may have in the morning when you wake up.

Causes Of Halitosis

What you eat affects your oral health. Things like onions and garlic may make you have bad breath. Poor oral hygiene practices. If you do not keep your mouth clean, the food particles that are in your mouth may rot resulting to odor.

Chronic gum disease has bad breath as one of the signs. If you have dentures, they may trap food particles which can cause odor if not cleaned well. A dry mouth cannot clean itself and this may result in halitosis. Dry mouth is caused by failure of the salivary glands to produce saliva, breathing through your mouth and some drugs. Health conditions such as gastrointestinal disorder, chronic sinusitis and liver and kidney disorder may cause halitosis.

How To Prevent Halitosis

Some of the things you can do to prevent halitosis are stated below. Practice dental hygiene. Brush a minimum two times a day and floss once. Brush your palate, inner cheeks and scrape your tongue to get rid of all the bad bacteria.

Clean your dentures well after removing them at night so that they are clean and fresh in the morning when putting them back. Adopt a healthy diet to promote production of saliva so that your mouth can stay moist and free of bad breath.

Have regular dental visits for checkups. The dentist may find oral health problems early and treat them before they result in bad breath. Visit us at our clinic for diagnosis and treatment or call us if you have any questions.

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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