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Brush & Floss Dental Center
4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614
(203) 683-5253

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Dentist Stratford, CT | Brush & Floss Dental Center
The primary goal of Brush & Floss Dental Center is to provide the highest quality dentistry for our patients in a friendly atmosphere. Our philosophy is teeth for a lifetime. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
About Us
Dentist Stratford, CT | Brush & Floss Dental Center
At Brush & Floss Dental Center, we want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles! Call us today to schedule an appointment!
Dental Services
Dental Services Stratford, CT | Brush & Floss Dental Center
\Our dental services include preventive, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry. If you are in need of any of our services, call us today to learn more!
Patient Information
Dentist Stratford, CT | Patient Info | Brush & Floss Dental Center
At Brush & Floss Dental Center, we make sure your first visit is a positive experience. Call us today, if you have questions about patient information.
Brush & Floss Dental Center Reviews | Dentist Stratford, CT
At Brush & Floss Dental Center, we love hearing from our patients. Visit our website to hear what our patients have to say about us. Then, call us today to schedule an appointment with Brush & Floss Dental Center.
Contact Us
Dentist Stratford, CT | Contact Brush & Floss Dental Center
Brush & Floss Dental Center welcomes new patients! Call us for info on procedures, billing, or any questions—our friendly team is happy to help!
Dental Blog | Brush & Floss Dental Center - Dentist Stratford, CT
At Brush & Floss Dental Center, we proudly offer our blog as a resource to our patients and the community. Our hope is that this blog will cover subjects that you may be interested in. Call us today for an appointment.
Meet The Doctors
Dental Technology
Dr. Hoos on TV
Articles by Dr. Jeffrey Hoos
Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry Stratford, CT | Brush & Floss Dental Center
At Brush & Floss Dental Center, we specialize in cosmetic services aimed at improving the appearance of your smile. From minor cosmetic changes to full-tooth restorations, we have got you covered. Call us today!
Dental Implants
Dental Implants| Brush & Floss Dental Center | Stratford, CT
At Brush & Floss Dental Center we specialize in several full-tooth restorations, including dental implants. Dental implants have revolutionized the way we treat tooth loss. Give us a call today to learn more.
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry | Brush & Floss Dental Center | Stratford, CT
At Brush & Floss Dental Center, we offer restorative services that are designed to improve the function and aesthetics of your smile, as well as your overall oral health. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
General Dentistry
General Dentistry Stratford, CT | Brush & Floss Dental Center
At Brush & Dental Floss Center, If you and your family are in need of any general dental services, we can help! Click here to learn more.
Emergency Dentistry
Emergency Dentistry | Brush & Floss Dental Center | Stratford, CT
Most dental emergencies require the immediate action of dental first aid to save the tooth and prevent tooth loss. Call Brush & Floss Dental Center for aid now!
Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea | Brush & Floss Dental Center | Stratford CT
Sleep apnea affects over 18 million Americans who won't know they are suffering until their symptoms are reported by someone. Call Brush & Floss Dental Center!

Invisalign | Brush & Floss Dental Center | Stratford, CT
One way that Brush & Floss Dental Center improves the look of smiles is through the use of Invisalign. If you are not sure what Invisalign is, call us to learn!
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Patient Forms
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    Brush & Floss Dental Center

    4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

    Copyright © 2020-2025 Brush & Floss Dental Center and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
    Dentist Stratford, CT | Brush & Floss Dental Center
    At Brush & Floss Dental Center, we want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles! Call us today to schedule an appointment!
    Brush & Floss Dental Center, 4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614, (203) 683-5253,, 3/28/2025, Related Terms: dentist Stratford CT,