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Home All-on-4 Treatment Concept

All-on-4® Treatment Concept
Stratford, CT

all on 4 treatment concepts at Brush & Floss Dental Center in Stratford, CTAre you facing the chance that you may lose some of your teeth, either on your upper jaw or in your lower jaw? Perhaps you are facing the loss of all of your teeth? If you are looking at your mouth in the mirror, you may hate what you see. A lot of people worry that their mouth will never look the same again, and they are concerned with how they’ll be able to eat or even speak. Whether you have been gradually losing your teeth over time, or whether you are losing your teeth all at once, it is hard to think about. However, if you are faced with losing all of your teeth, we’re here to tell you it isn’t the end of the world. In fact, Brush & Floss Dental Center has solutions for you. There is a new treatment program available that can replace an entire upper or lower set of teeth, or all of your teeth with the All-on-4® Treatment Concept procedure.

Why Should I Consider Replacing My Teeth?

It doesn’t matter if you have one missing tooth or a lot of missing teeth, you will want to get them replaced. Sometimes, people gradually lose their teeth over time. Teeth can be lost due to cavities or tooth decay, gum disease, accidents, injuries, or cancer. Sometimes, you just lose your teeth as you age. If you have an accident or an injury, you may lose several teeth all at one time, which can be very dramatic.

In our view, it doesn’t matter if you lose your teeth gradually or all at once. Any time you lose a tooth, it is serious. That’s because when you lose teeth, you could potentially lose bone mass in your jaw. When people lose bone mass in their jaws, it affects how their mouths and jaws look. When you lose your teeth, and you don’t replace them, your body thinks that you don’t need as much jawbone as you used to when there was a tooth there. Blood even stops flowing to that part of your jaw, because there is no tooth that needs a supply of nutrients. While changes don’t happen right away, your jaw will change over time, and you will experience bone loss. We also perform bone regeneration procedures to restore jaw bone.

Replacing Your Teeth

Our All-on-4 technique allows us to use dental implants to replace either your upper teeth, your lower teeth, or all of your teeth. The procedure is actually quite simple. If you have remaining teeth in your jaw, we’ll remove them first. Then we will place four titanium screws in your upper jaw or in your lower jaw - or possibly both. These screws are the key to the All-on-4 procedure. Once the screws are in your jaw, they function like a tooth root. Your jaw thinks that you still have teeth, so you keep your jawbone at the same level of bone density that you had before you lost your teeth.

To do the All-on-4 procedure, we make holes in your jawbone to place the screws. We wait for the area to heal, and then we place implants onto the screws. Instead of one implant per screw, which is the norm, the All-on-4 technique allows us to replace all of your teeth on one row with four screws. This means we can shorten your healing time. In some cases, we can give you a full set of natural-looking teeth in as little as a day.

Are you thinking that you might be a great candidate for our All-on-4 procedure? Our treatment may be exactly what you need to be able to smile again. Give Brush & Floss Dental Center a call at (203) 683-5253 and let us schedule an appointment for you. We love to talk about restoring teeth!

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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All on 4 | Brush & Floss Dental Center - Dentist Stratford, CT
Our All-on-4 technique allows us to use dental implants to replace either your upper teeth, lower teeth, or all of your teeth. Call Brush & Floss Dental Center!
Brush & Floss Dental Center, 4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614 ~ (203) 683-5253 ~ ~ 3/12/2025 ~ Related Terms: dentist Stratford CT ~