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Home How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
Stratford, CT

3D rendering of mouth with multiple dental implants at Brush & Floss Dental Center in Stratford, CTMissing at least one tooth is so common for adults that it is the subject of our dreams! Most adults have dreamed at least once about losing all of their teeth. Dream interpreters say that when you lose your teeth in a dream, it signifies a loss of some kind, a loved one or a job, for example. If you have lost a tooth, you will want to find a way to replace it. Luckily, has a way to replace those teeth that you are missing through dental implants.

What Are Dental Implants?

Adults have been trying to replace their missing teeth for centuries because it is important to have a full complement of teeth. People who are missing teeth can have difficulty eating hard-to-chew foods. They may be embarrassed to smile or speak for fear of revealing gaps in their smile. Also, if you have several teeth missing, you may notice your remaining teeth have shifted to try and fill in the place of your missing teeth. Over time, you can lose bone in your jaw, changing the shape of your face.

Dental implants are a fairly new innovation for dental practitioners to use in restorative dentistry. You may not have heard about implants until recently, but dentists began experimenting with implants in the mid-1960s as a way to permanently replace a tooth. If you have a dental implant, you have the closest thing to your natural tooth back in your jaw.

All teeth have the top of the tooth, or the crown, which is made of enamel and dentin over a soft pulp. The pulp contains your nerves and blood vessels. At the bottom of your pulp is the tooth root. Depending on the size of the tooth, you either have one tooth root or two. The tooth root anchors your tooth to your jawbone. Dental implants mimic your natural tooth. The implant consists of a prosthetic tooth on top of a titanium or zirconium post that our dentist places into your gums that anchor the tooth into your jawbone.

How Long Do Single Tooth Implants Last?

To implant a single tooth, our dentists usually make an incision into your gumline so that they can reach your jawbone. They will drill a hole into your jawbone to place the implant. It is very important that dentists drill a hole into your jaw because the implant acts the same way your tooth root does for your natural tooth.

Once the implant is placed, you need to give it time to heal before the prosthetic tooth is placed. Usually, dentists have to place an abutment between your prosthetic tooth and the implant. The abutment acts as the connector between your implant post and your prosthetic tooth. Once your jawbone heals, then you are ready for your implanted tooth.

Because they are made of two to three separate parts, single-tooth implants have different life spans. The crown of your implant, which is the prosthetic tooth, can last between 10 and 15 years. The abutment and the implant can last throughout your lifetime if you take care of it properly.

What does taking care of your implant mean? Because the implant resembles and acts very much like your natural tooth, you need to care for it in the same way as your natural teeth. You will need to brush and floss your implanted tooth twice a day, every day. You also need to make sure you visit our dentist every six months to check your teeth, gums, and implanted tooth.

How Long Do Multiple Tooth Implants Last?

Multiple tooth implants are a bit different than a single tooth implant. Dentists have some choices when they implant more than one tooth, which is one of the benefits of implant technology. If you have multiple missing teeth in different areas of your jawbone, the procedure for multiple tooth implants will be roughly the same as a single tooth implant.

However, if you have several teeth missing in the same area of your mouth, our dentist may be able to perform a bridge implantation, which means a permanent prosthesis cemented between two implanted teeth. Other technologies, such as all-on-four technology, allow dentists to replace all of your teeth using implants.

No matter how our dentist does the multiple-tooth implant, you will need to take care of it. Brush and floss your teeth the same way you would your natural teeth. Be sure to continue to visit our dentist every six months to have your implants cleaned and checked. If you care for your multiple-tooth implant properly, the titanium or zirconium implant can last a lifetime. The prosthetic tooth can last for 15 to 20 years or longer.

What Can Impact the Longevity Of Your Implants?

If you take care of your implants, they can last you for decades. There are times that your implants can fail, however. If you use tobacco, you will want to quit if at all possible. Tobacco use slows the healing time of any dental procedure. Using tobacco also constricts the blood vessels and dries out your mouth, which means you leave yourself open to both gum disease and tooth decay.

The most common reason implants fail is infection. Because bacteria are constantly multiplying in your mouth, it is essential you practice excellent dental hygiene. You may want to brush and floss each time you have a meal or a snack. If you have gum disease, you should visit our dentist to have your gums treated to prevent your implant from failing. If you suspect you have an infection in your mouth, you need to contact our office as soon as possible so our dentist can treat you.

Are you thinking about getting dental implants? It is important that you choose a dentist with experience in dental implantation technology. Why not contact Brush & Floss Dental Center at (203) 683-5253 today? We can schedule an appointment for you to meet with our dentist and discuss your options for restorative dentistry.

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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How Long Do Dental Implants Last? Stratford • Brush & Floss Dental Center
Discover the longevity of dental implants at Brush & Floss Dental Center in Stratford, CT. Learn how these implants can last a lifetime with proper care.
Brush & Floss Dental Center, 4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614 • (203) 683-5253 • • 10/23/2024 • Related Phrases: dentist Stratford CT •