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Home Single Tooth Implant

Single Tooth Implant

Do you have a missing tooth? If you do, you may have some problems, depending on which tooth is missing. If you have a missing tooth, you might feel concerned about your appearance. You also may find it hard to eat some foods. If your tooth has been missing for a while, you also might notice that your teeth are shifting to fill the space left by the missing tooth. Your missing tooth can even cause pain in your teeth or in your jaw as well. If your missing tooth is giving you problems, we can help. Brush & Floss Dental Center can talk to you about single tooth implant procedures and how they can improve your overall oral health.

Why Should You Replace A Single Tooth?

A lot of people think that if they only have one tooth missing, they are in good shape. However, even losing one tooth can cause an issue. Any missing tooth can be a problem for your mouth. Depending on which tooth is missing, you might have discomfort biting down or chewing. You could also have problems speaking because of the way your mouth forms letters. You could have trouble with oral hygiene because of the missing tooth and the way your other teeth are placed.

Your teeth may also drift, which can affect the way you bite down on food. Eventually, the missing teeth could create pain in your other teeth as well as your jaw because your bite has changed. The biggest problem with missing teeth is that if you don’t replace your single missing tooth, you may lose bone in your jaw. An empty tooth socket causes your jawbone to believe that the extra bone mass isn’t needed, and your body will begin to remove the bone. Over time, this bone loss can change the look of both your jaw and your face.

How Will a Dental Implant Help?

There is nothing that can replace your natural tooth, but implants are one of the best things that science and dentistry have to offer. In implant dentistry, we screw your implant into your jawbone in the same location as your missing tooth was. The implant acts just like an anchor in your jawbone. Once we place your implant into your jaw, your jaw thinks that the implant is your actual tooth, and you will stop losing bone mass. Your implant is a permanent fixture for your jawbone.

How Is a Tooth Implanted?

There is an implant procedure we use, and it is fairly simple. First, we check your jawline and gumline to make sure that your gums aren’t inflamed or infected. We will also remove your damaged tooth if it hasn’t fallen out. We check to make sure you have enough bone in the area to support an implant. If everything checks out, we will drill a hole in your jawbone. We then place the implant screw into your jawbone. Then we’re going to place your new implant on top of the screw. We make each tooth to fit uniquely into your jaw - so no two implants are ever alike.

Do you have questions about implanting a single tooth? If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call us. Give Brush & Floss Dental Center, a call at (203) 683-5253.

Brush & Floss Dental Center

4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614

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Brush & Floss Dental Center, 4949 Main Street Stratford, CT 06614, (203) 683-5253,, 3/12/2025, Associated Words: dentist Stratford CT,